
Check Stock and Price in CT

min read

Once the new SKU has been added to the web assortment, you need to check that Stock & Price are feeding from ERP to CommerceTools.

To do this, you will go into CommerceTools, navigate to your new product which will now have a status of unpublished by going to Products > Product list and searching by name, description, SKU, slug, product key or variant key. 

Once you have located your product, click into it and click on the 'Variants' tab. Here you will see all of the product information. There will be 2 columns called 'Pricing from' and 'Inventory: Quantity (Channel)', these should be populated with the price and the correct quantity of stock in each location.

If stock and price are not populated you will need to request the new SKU to be included in the ERP feed for stock and price. 

Once confirmed and checked as outlined above, you can move on to adding categories if applicable.