
Add a Category in CommerceTools

min read
Adding Categories into Commercetools

Log into CommerceTools and navigate to Categories > Category list where you will see the option to 'Add category'.



You will need to add the basic category information. Give your category a name which is relevant to the products you intend to assign it to eg 'Bedroom' for all products that are used in the bedroom. You will need to add a category description and also a Category order which we usually set to .5. 

Assigning an order number to Categories will allow you to more easily use sorting to order your Categories.

Category order values can be a value between 0 and 1.

For example:

Category A has a Rank value: 0.05
Category B has a Rank value: 0.07
When we sort from low to high (ascending), Category A is shown before Category B because 0.05 is closer to 0 than 0.07.



You will then click next to view the category path which should look similar to the image below.



Clicking next again will bring you to the External Search information. Here you will set the Short URL or 'slug'. This is a user-friendly key used to generate the category page URL. 



You will then save your category which will become available for use shortly after.

